
Commonwealth Masters and PhD Scholarship for African students in 2024

Commonwealth Masters and PhD Scholarship for African students in 2024

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK offers full scholarships for citizens of Commonwealth countries in Africa to pursue postgraduate study at UK universities.


Commonwealth Masters and PhD Scholarship for African students in 2024

Eligibility and Benefits

To be eligible, you must be a citizen of a Commonwealth country in Africa, hold a first degree of at least upper second class honors (or equivalent), and intend to study a full-time taught or research master’s or doctoral degree at an approved UK university. The scholarship covers tuition fees, travel costs, and living expenses for the duration of your studies.


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Application Process

The application process includes an online application, references, transcripts, and a personal statement outlining your study intentions. Strong applications demonstrate intellectual capacity, leadership qualities, and a commitment to the development of your home country. Applications are assessed based on merit and potential to make a difference.

Study Fields Supported

The Commission supports study across a range of fields, including agriculture, education, environment, health, science, and technology. However, the relevancy of your chosen program to the development needs of your home country is an important consideration. Proposed programs should aim to build knowledge and leadership skills to drive progress and reform.

Obligations of Recipients

As a Commonwealth Scholar, you agree to return home for at least two years after completing your degree to contribute to your country’s development. Scholars are also expected to promote the value and benefits of the Commonwealth Scholarship to others. The relationships and networks formed during your time as a Commonwealth Scholar can lead to enduring partnerships and friendships between countries.


In summary, the Commonwealth Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity for Africa’s brightest minds to access world-class education and become leaders in their fields. By investing in human capital and fostering collaboration across borders, the program aims to address some of the biggest challenges facing developing countries.


Who is eligible to apply for the Commonwealth Masters and PhD scholarship?

To be eligible for the Commonwealth Masters and PhD scholarship, you must:

  • Be a citizen of an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Hold a first degree of at least upper second class honors (or equivalent) in a relevant subject.
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship.
  • Have an unconditional offer from a UK university to study a full-time taught Masters or Doctoral degree.
  • Meet the English language proficiency criteria of the university.

What does the scholarship cover?

The Commonwealth Masters and PhD scholarship covers:

  • University tuition fees
  • A living stipend
  • Travel costs
  • Thesis grant (for PhD scholars)

The award includes one round-trip economy class airfare, tuition and examination fees, a personal stipend, initial arrival allowance, grant for the necessary thesis expenses (for PhD scholars only), and other allowances where applicable.

How long is the scholarship tenable for?

The maximum duration of the award is:

  • 12 months for one-year Masters degrees
  • 24 months for Masters degrees longer than one year
  • 36 months for 3-year full-time Doctoral degrees
  • Up to 48 months for full-time Doctoral degrees in science and technology subjects

Extensions are not permitted. Scholars must complete their studies within the stipulated time period.

When and how to apply?

Applications open in October each year and close in early December. You must apply directly to your chosen universities in the UK and have an unconditional offer before you apply for this scholarship. The application is made online through the official website. You will need to provide information about yourself, your proposed study in the UK, and your future career plans. Shortlisted applicants are invited to an interview, either in person or via video link.

To summarize, this prestigious scholarship targets academically excellent students from disadvantaged backgrounds in Commonwealth countries to pursue postgraduate study at UK universities. If awarded, it will fund your full tuition and living costs during your studies. The key is to start your application early, meet all the eligibility criteria, and submit a strong application.

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